Carpet cleaning: Get rid of the most persistent stains


Move out cleaning is the last step before the handover of the apartment. It’s no big surprise if your apartment is not super tidy. However, stains on the carpet are sometimes hard to clean.

Carpet cleaning: This is how to remove the most persistent stains.

The first advice is always to react as quickly as possible. Although, this can’t be useful for old stains.

Try using baking powder

For generations, this household remedy has also proved its efficiency in carpet cleaning. The baking soda it contains can remove even the most persistent stains.

Sprinkle the powder over the stain and then pour warm water over the affected area. The water is required to open the fiber pores of the carpet. The mixture should now be left to soak in for a few hours.

Have you had enough patience? Then you can try to gently wipe off the powder with a cloth. If the stain is still there, you can repeat the process.

Carpet Foam

In addition to the proven household remedies, new alternatives to carpet cleaning have been developed in the meantime. With the carpet foam it is also possible to remove even the toughest stains.

The carpet must be cleaned of all crumbs and loose dirt in beforehand. Then you have to spray on the foam, spread it with a brush, let it soak in a bit and finally remove the foam by vacuuming.

If you do not have any carpet foam, you can also try shaving foam. But be careful: make sure that the applied product does not fade the carpet.

Still not clean?

If you are unsure, the professionals can help you. They often use cleaning products that are not available in traditional domestic products stores. When used properly, these products often work a miracle, even when all hope seems lost. Our move out cleaning professionals will certainly help you!

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